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Complete Guide to Help you with Web 3.0 App Development


Data decentralization and User centricity are two main pillars on which the foundation of new age web app development is being built. In the late 80s the word ‘User Centricity’ gained traction after a book written by Don Norman, “The Design of Everyday Things” became popular. It emphasized the importance of how a product needs to be made for the user for its success.

The debate on Data decentralization on the other hand started to gain heat in the late 20th century. Experts were worried storing and managing such a huge amount of data either needs its own set of regulations or justice for the source; the users.

In 2008 when Blockchain Technology was introduced. We understood that there can be a solution to addressing both of these concepts in a non-biased manner. In 2024, two years past Covid and technology has swiftly shifted gears, it has completely revolutionized the digital age. Web 3.0 is one of those technologies on verge to become an essential part of the current digital age. As these modern digital age demands User Centricity and Data Decentralization; the two pillars.

What is Web 3.0 and How does it differ from Web 2.0?

Let’s break down the technicality of Web 3.0 technology from a user’s and business perspective both. This will give us the clear difference between 3.0 and the web we use today.

Decentralization and Transparent

In web 2.0 one single entity has the control over the data flowing through the internet. Web 3.0 seems to establish the ‘You Own Your Data’ ecosystem, which is obviously the best case scenario, looking at how data is the new currency. In Web 3.0 data is decentralized and no single entity is in control of your data. This will be able to facilitate the development of DApps (Decentralized Apps or Web 3.0 Apps).

An AI enabled Semantic Web

An ecosystem where machines can communicate with each other to automate operations. It aims to improve the manner of communication between machines and humans too. Through NLPs and Artificial Intelligence the whole/general web app framework will take a transformative step. It will open up the internet to all great possibilities where efficiency, productivity, and experiences are significantly important.

Interactive and Augmentation

In Web 2.0, the rise of social networking apps are uniquely impacting the trajectory of the internet. The web is now flowing with user generated data. Sure it needs to be filtered, analyzed, and processed, but after those phases it has the potential to enhance and increase users’ interactivity.

The focus here is personalization, interoperability, and immersive experience. Technology that supports spatial computing tends to build the first step for our current Web to climb the ladder of innovation.

Understanding the Web 3.0 Landscape

Presently the innovation landscape is witnessing a synergy between technologies. The progress of each technology is codependent on each other if you need to sustain. Hence Web 3.0 technology is not just limited to Decentralized web app development or building hyper interactive websites, it has much more to give.

Image generated using: Learndo.ai

Blockchain Advances

  • Global Blockchain market is expected to generate a revenue of $94 billion by 2027.
  • By 2030 Blockchain based systems will govern 10-20% of economic infrastructure.
  • In 2021, it was reported that there are 68 million Blockchain wallet users around the world.

AI Boom

  • AI market size globally is expected to keep growing at a CAGR of 37.9% till 2030.
  • 48% of businesses are optimizing their systems using Machine Learning to counter errors and major accuracy setbacks.
  • By next year, 40% businesses across 16 industries will be benefited by incorporating AI solutions.

Web 3.0 the Catalyst

  • The worldwide market for Web 3.0 was estimated at 2.25 billion USD in 2023. It is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49.3%.

The Reasons :

  • Decentralized data stream, more control and increased ownership.
  • Greater transparency and trust.
  • Automated and enhanced economic models.
  • Improved User Experience,

Those statistics depict how consistently each of the tech domains is growing. But it could be better due to the growth of Web 3.0 technology. Let’s unravel the hidden catalyst here and its ability to impact other technologies.

Web 3 Apps are catalyst for Blockchain Technology

Web 3.0 Apps differ from traditional apps in terms of privacy, interactivity, and control. It leverages technology like blockchain, AI, AR/VR to build an entirely new appsverse. These apps are driven by such technologies and coherently they create rippling impacts on the market of these technologies too. Here we will only focus on one that’s blockchain.

Blockchain is the foundation of Web 3.0 App development due to its benefits of decentralization, Immutability, and transparency. Understanding each benefit in great depths elevates the possibility of improving user centric solutions. Web 3.0 also empowers using automated distributed ledger and tokenization, which is one of those core key considerations in development.

Getting Started with Web 3.0 App Development

A Web 3.0 App needs to have 10 key features. The structure, the tech stack, even the ideologies, they differ from your rudimentary level web and app development itineraries.

So first let’s list down those key features that your application must have.

  • Automated Smart contract
  • Decentralized Infrastructure
  • Tokenization
  • User Control and Ownership
  • Interoperability

These five require in depth explanation and use cases. They cannot be explained in just one definition, they need plenty of wind to clear up the fog of complexity. But about the next five features, we will try to fit every important bit into the definition that explains them clearly.

  • Security Measures : They allow you to lock your assets on the internet making sure only you have access to them, and you control how they are distributed over the network. Without your unique identity they are not accessible to the general public or an entity.
  • Unique Identity (Decentralized) : An identity crafted using algorithms and identity marks for authentication.
  • Community Governance : You don’t have to depend on a single entity to make the decision to make certain rules. Every participant gets to vote, counter, or understand and react to other decisions and gets approved only when every participant complies.
  • Immutable Record keeping : The feature will eliminate the possibility of people tampering with your asset information or data. Once the record is stored in a digitized manner it won’t be erased, or altered without your permission.
  • Cross-border Transaction : Legal transactions involving documents, contracts, agreements, money, etc. usually take time and cost to reach from one source to another. This happens due to it being passed through certain authorities or organizations. But a Web 3.0 app with cross border transaction feature can eliminate the majority of the friction a user faces.

How Web 3.0 Apps Work? Deconstructing the Decentralized Architecture

The main motive behind Web 3.0 being an amazing step for the future is because it is an essential element for establishing a creators economy. It’s largely an evolving system offering benefits to individuals who are ready to contribute for the betterment of your app. It’s a win-win as they have the potential to help you scale and the users get more features or even their personalized functionalities.

The primary infrastructure of Web 3.0 apps has a decentralized network as its backbone.

Decentralization : In this network or platform that you will build no single entity will have control. The people who are the decision makers will have to create an account and their account will be connected to wallets.

Wallets : These are digital safe accounts wallets with unique identifiers that are built using blockchain technology. One needs to manage their assets right? Such wallets allow you to trade, store, interact on and with Web 3.0 apps . They will store the tokens that belong to users who will have the ability to form a DOA. If you want to learn more

Tokens : Basically those tokens are your digital assets like music, art pieces, crypto money, etc. Blockchain helps you with the tokenization process. On top of that, these tokens are stored in a secure blockchain network. Every process executed on the Web 3.0 needs a safe authentication feature. This is where smart contracts come into the picture.

Smart Contracts : They are digital contracts involving digital signatures and they help you to trade on a Web 3.0 platform. It acts or is a governing part for regulating the functionality of the web app you will build.

DAO : A Decentralized Autonomous Organization is nothing more than a community which gets to decide the rules of the app. They are users with highest token counts, highest contribution, or a certain amount of experience. This where things get interesting and you get to explore the term “Community ownership”.

Step by Step guide Building your Web 3.0 Apps

Now that you have all the information required to build your own Web 3.0 app lets get started. We will start with base like a cake and work our way towards the finishing touch and frostings.

Step 1: Understanding Web 3.0 Tech Stack

First you need to choose your tools, frameworks, and protocols which will eventually contribute to the development.

  • Blockchain Development : To work with blockchain we suggest you go for Polygon. Blockchain checks all the right boxes for web 3.0 apps : Trust, transparency, and scalability. Why specifically polygon? Because it’s a layer 2 solution fabricator. You open doors to Reduced gas fees, user centric experience, and its ability to be compatible with ethereum environments for interoperability. Learn all about blockchain development.
  • A environment to develop: Yes an ethereum development environment is crucial for the later processes. It’s a decentralized space with plenty of benefits. You need an environment because one cannot just directly make a dApp on a blockchain network. This environment has all the tools and resources you need and it future proofs your work for you.
  • A Frontend Framework : if you ask any skilled web developer for one of the most robust and trustworthy frameworks, they will probably point you in the direction of Next.js and React. Using the right framework can open doors to following benefits.
  • Pre-built components and standardized. Both the framework have plenty of resources to guide you in that area.
  • In order to interact, you need a secure framework. They have the ability to eliminate daunting aspects of development and incorporate best practices.
  • They allow you to explore core logics and rational functionality of the applications in numerous ways.

Step 2 : Project Setup

  • Create a setup using one of those frameworks. We are listing the steps for Next.js integration with blockchain.
  • Create a project name and file. It could be (My-music-web3-app).
  • Choose a Blockchain framework, install it and clear all the dependencies. Initialize a framework.
  • Setup a blockchain network.
  • Write, deploy and integrate smart contracts with Next.js.
  • Build and Deploy your Next.Js App.

Note: These are just basic steps, for more detailed guide on how to integrate blockchain and React or Next.js do follow our blog updates.

Step 3 : Smart Contract Development

  • Smart contracts eliminate the participant of intermediaries, it reduces operational costs in transactions, creates a trust based transparent model, and is one of the core functional foundations of blockchain.
  • Again these smart contracts are going to be a part of the ethereum environment. They will be deployed and executed on EVM.

Step 4 : Frontend Development

  • Using a framework to build a front-end connects your solution with your users. Focus on the following while you are developing a front-end for your app.
  • Bridging the gap using seamless user Interaction and experience. It helps you to build trust and engage your user in your solution.
  • Crystal clear data presentation and visualization catering the diverse needs of every user.
  • Adding functionality and features that are specifically focusing on smart contracts. A dynamically rich interactive front for users who are beginning to understand Web 3.0 applications and their benefits.

Step 5 : Integration with IPFS

IFPS is short for InterPlanetary File System. It’s crucial for your development because you need a peer to peer network. A peer to peer distributed network will allow storing and sharing of data in a decentralized manner. This also eliminates the possibility of your data being completely wiped out too. Here are the two ways you can integrate your web 3.0 app with IPFS:-

  • Direct Integration : [js-ipfs or web3.js-ipfs] are two files that can be uploaded to your frontend as well as backend code. This process works when there is a continuous upload-download of frequent files. The files can be retrieved by Content Identifiers (CIDs).
  • IPFS Gateway : Considering the complexity you may face while following the first approach, using gateway is a simpler one. They are intermediaries fetching your file for you and delivering it without the need of code interaction. Usually people opt for such a type of gateway just to make sure their result is not ruined by overly complex to understand practices.

Step 6 : Integration with the Graph Protocol

A graph protocol is basically a guide for your app to understand and find the data your app needs. When we look at how vast the data pool is in blockchain, you will have to include  Graph Protocol in your development package. It is a powerful way to query that data. Although the process will need a deep understanding of GraphQL. Learn how to integrate GraphQL with React.

Step 7 : Testing and Deployment

  • After completing the whole development phase, you need to test it before launching it into the market. There are various types of testing methodologies which improve every aspect of your application. Here are few mentioned below:
  • Unit Testing : Check your smart contracts, their interaction with frontend components, and libraries used for app logic.
  • Integration Testing : If you have used APIs and other services this test makes sure they are operational and robustly integrated to your application.
  • End-to-End Testing : User focused testing where you make sure your application is meeting users needs. Monitor their journey, transaction, interaction, and feature interactivity, which denotes the performance matrix of your app.
  • Security Testing : When people talk about blockchain it echoes security, transparency, and trust. So audits help you identify vulnerabilities, counter hacking simulated hacking scenarios, and monitor to eradicate unexpected behavior.
  • Stress and Load Testing : When you are high in demand, you need to make sure your application does not fail to deliver. There are assets, data, and a massive pool of information involved. If your app is down and users face inconvenience, you might get penalized by the regulatory committee.
  • Usability Testing : Gather feedback from the users and make improvements to your applications accordingly.

Post Launch Pro Tip

Promotional activities for an app help you gain users, increase usability, and build your own community. Apart from the marketing tactics, you will have to scale with the market. Always research and innovate with your product to increase its valuation. Keep tabs and progress by learning the web 3.0 and blockchain development trends.

Impact of Web 3.0 On Every Industry

When you explore Web 3.0 technology as a future revitalizing ecosystem, you find that it has a profound impact on every industry. However one such industry that is ready to adapt and display powerful results. The gaming industry is on the rise and users demand innovation to accelerate their way to enjoying their favorite games.

Web 3.0 incorporates some of the best features that can make a lot of difference and cater to their needs. From proof of ownership to integrating a decentralized creator’s economy model, Web 3 can shift gears for the industry. The clock is ticking. Soon you will go through the new gen internet to look for tech news, you click on a video, and a tech giant’s spokesperson announces and we quote  Welcome to the Future World of Gaming.

Even the financial service industry will get a new face. They will start progressing towards forming establishments, forming a committee, and setting up a taskforce that regulates the FinTech ecosystem. An ecosystem operating on Web 3.0 platform ready for storing, transacting, and investing using digital currencies and cryptocurrencies.

We did mention the creator’s economy numerous times above right. Let us explain it through a use case:-

A social networking application or web app is not just a place  to interact, people are becoming more creative. Some are sharing opinions, using it as a marketing platform, educating people, selling their product, and much more. An industry that is closer to its creators.

The content every user creates and upload is their assets. Now on a Web 3.0 social media platform you can validate your ownership. You earn token or internet points and use those internet points to trade other assets, which is a fresh form of content.

From gaming to fintech every industry will soon want the piece of this delicious cake that is Web 3.0 Technology. Soon web and app development service providers will gain traction again. In the near future we might witness a Web 3.0 powered metaverse platform who knows.

Join the Web 3.0 Moment

Web 3.0 apps are a crucial component of a larger innovative ecosystem in making. Every time you hear a big transformation happening in the tech industry you look for ways to be a part of it. Still in its evaluation and nascent stages Web 3.0 needs numerous alterations. From legal to technical every part of this technology needs to be deconstructed, understood and leveraged.

However it might be complex for few, therefore you can opt to hire a blockchain development company. They have immense expertise with blockchain andWeb 3.0 technology. Use their resources and join the innovative moment to explore the new generation of Web. Web 3.0, where user centricity and data decentralization are the foremost priority to resonate with modern voices.

FAQs for a Web 3.0 Expert

What are the REAL-WORLD applications of Web3 technology beyond finance and NFTs?

The nearest possibility that is advancing with the contribution of other technologies is  a Semantic Web. It will help machines communicate with machines and streamlining automation for every platform. The web will bring actionable AI into practice.

Removing the intermediaries, providing authentic proof, and automating operations through the web. For example booking your train ticket, you will just need to tell your AI PA to book one for you. The AI model will select your preferred date, manage to scan other web apps, book, pay, and notify you about your booking status.

What are the biggest challenges for developers entering the Web3 space?

I can only think of three of them:

— Building a robust infrastructure for processing data swiftly and efficiently.

— Service providers upskilling their talent for the new wave of innovation, you either surf through or you get washed at shore.

— Lastly, forming regulations and compliance departments.

What are some of the monetization strategies for Web 3.0?

Monetization in Web3 goes beyond just NFTs. Think building developer tools, offering Web3 consulting, or creating dApps that solve real problems. For dApps, explore subscriptions, in-app purchases, or even your own tokens.

Even contributing to open-source projects can build reputation and open doors. This space is evolving rapidly, so stay adaptable and explore new trends for innovative monetization strategies

What are the popular frameworks and tools for Web 3.0 development?

Front-end frameworks: React, Vue.js, Angular are popular choices for user interfaces.

Blockchain platforms: Ethereum, Solana, Polygon are common options for dApp development, each with its benefits and drawbacks.

Smart contract development tools: Truffle, Hardhat, Remix are widely used for writing and deploying smart contracts.
Decentralized storage: IPFS, Arweave provide secure and censorship-resistant storage solutions for dApp data.

What are the key benefits of developing Web 3.0 apps, or dApps?

Decentralization: No single entity controls the app, reducing censorship and manipulation risks.
Enhanced security: Blockchain technology offers robust security features.
Transparency: All data and transactions are publicly verifiable.
User control: Users own their data and have more control over their experience.
New economic models: dApps can enable innovative ways to create and exchange value.

What are some popular dApps to explore?

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Uniswap, Aave, MakerDAO
Play-to-Earn Gaming: Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, Decentraland
Decentralized Social Media: Minds, Diaspora, Mastodon

What are the future trends in Web 3.0 development?

Interoperability: Seamless interaction between dApps built on different blockchains.
Layer 2 scaling solutions: Addressing scalability challenges to enable wider adoption.
Focus on user experience: Simplifying interfaces and improving usability for mainstream users.
Expansion beyond finance and gaming: Exploring dApp applications in various industries like healthcare and supply chain.


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