Kaspersky researchers have identified a new spyware campaign distributing Mandrake malware through Google Play. This campaign has been active for two years, disguising the...
In a coordinated effort spanning six countries, international law enforcement agencies have successfully dismantled 593 rogue servers running unauthorized versions of Cobalt Strike, a...
The global internet user base has witnessed a significant expansion, with a 1.8% increase translating to a remarkable 97 million new users joining the...
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the backbone of the global economy, but they're also increasingly under siege from cyberattacks. A report titled “The...
Despite the fact that API security is often overlooked, it is absolutely essential to the safety of your data and applications. In this article, we will discuss some API security measures that you should implement immediately.
IoT, or the Internet of Things, has revolutionized numerous industries, from the healthcare sector to the automotive and smart cities. The innumerable connected devices...